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Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:58 pm

There was a perfectly simple reason why Marlene McKinnon had her back pushed agains the back of a broom closet, on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

She was hiding.

Peeves had been extra grumpy, for some reason, probably because the Bloody Baron was on his case for pouring ink on first year Slytherin's, something Marlene had found hilarious, but Peeves didn't care if you were on his side or not, he just wanted to punish someone.

Marlene had just been minding her business, on her way back from having a rather late lunch, but she had been unlucky and ran into Peeves, who was throwing water balloons at unsuspecting people. And Marlene was one of those unlucky people.
The ghost had only managed to hit her once and cover her hair and shirt with ice cold water, before the blonde was able to save herself - by jumping inside a broom closet and then there was nothing else but for her to wait and hope that Peeves would leave soon so she could go and dry herself.
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:10 pm

Sirius hand was currently tangled in fair hair as his other hand searched for the doorknob he knew was there. It was quite hard to find it while snogging someone senseless, but Sirius managed. He had been watching the Ravenclaw boy that was currently attached to his lips all week, and Sirius knew the boy had been watching him too. One good formulated pick-up line was all it took. Sirius didn't want a relationship, he just wanted someone to snog.

He yanked open the door and then wrapped the bronze and blue tie around his free hand as he pulled back and smirked, pulling the boy inside the broom closet with him before locking their lips again and waiting for the other to close the door behind him.

It was only when he heard a cough Sirius realized that he was not the only one occupying the closet.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:19 pm

Marlene had been inside the broom closet for good five minutes but still wasn't sure if it was safe to go outside, she hadn't even tried to open the door a bit, still afraid of the ghost being out there waiting for her.

She had her back pushed against the back of the closet and eyes shut, it wasn't until she heard a weird rustling noise and light streamed into the dark closet she realized she wasn't alone.

Her eyes flew wide open, half expecting to find Peeves and his army of flying water balloons, but instead she found something - or someone else.

Of course. Marlene couldn't fight the urge to roll her eyes. Of course Sirius Black would come stumbling into the broom closet she was in, pulling a person with him. And a male person on top of that.

Marlene had always fancied the dark-haired-every-woman's-dream-man a bit, from the moment they met years ago, which made the blonde even more awkward.
She had absolutely no idea what to do, so she let out a cough, in hope the boys would realize they weren't alone.
After a moment of silence she spoke up; "Black! Get out, this is my closet!" she managed out, her voice shaking more with each word and failing to sound as strong-minded as she wished it did.
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:24 pm

A bit reluctantly, Sirius stopped kissing the boy of who he still not knew or had already forgotten the name of. Any normal person, like the Ravenclaw boy, obviously would have felt ashamed. Sirius wasn't though, he was positively amused. He kept his hand wrapped around the blue tie and untangled his other hand from the blond hair, just to comb it through his own. He flashed McKinnon a big grin.

"Well, well, McKinnon, couldn't find anyone to join you, so you just decided to go into a closet on your own?" Sirius said, grin still plastered on his face. "Why didn't you say so, you know that I'd always let a beautiful girl like you join. I'm sure gorgeous here," still not aware of his name, "wouldn't mind either, would yah?" he asked, and the blond boy shook his head quickly.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:33 pm

He has some nerve! Marlene thought, shaking her head violently as she searched for the right words, but those words didn't seem to exist, it wasn't possible to win against thats stupid cocky bastard.

"I can well find partners thank you very much." she spat out, a bit more hurt than she had meant to sound. "And I'd rather not, no offense to you or your "gorgeous" over there, you guys can go and find your own closet!" she crossed her arms childishly. "I was here first."

Yeah, this wasn't going well at all.
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:28 am

"If you can find partners, then why are you all alone in this cosy closet, eh," Sirius countered, grinning broadly. Sirius gave a tug on the tie in his hand and pulled the boy towards him, planting a noisy kiss on his lips before grinning again. "Gimme a moment, I'll convince her to join or to go away," he whispered against his ear, making sure McKinnon wouldn't hear. The blond boy just nodded, and Sirius decided that next to his good looks and average tongue skills, there really wasn't much about him. He didn't even have a personality.

Sirius released the tie and walked over to where the blond girl was standing, planting himself in front of her, placing one hand on the wall behind her, sending her a dazzling smile. "Are you sure you won't be able to share?" he all but purred, leaning close to her ear so she could feel his breath ghosting over her cheek.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:54 am

Marlene kept her arms folded close to her body, so she could resist the urge to leap forward and slap the boy. "What do you know? Maybe I'm here waiting for someone, so just get out." she muttered out, turning her eyes to the wall slightly when Sirius kissed the random Ravenclaw, she always felt awkward watching other people get it on in front of her, even if it was just a kiss.

Marlene's arms unfolded themselves and they free-fell down against her sides, the breath in her throat hitched and goosebumps formed over her arms and legs. He was so close.
"I-" her voice faltered.
What the heck was she doing? She wasn't seriously thinking about just answering yes? Damn, that boy was manipulative.

She didn't try to respond again, not being able to form any words, she just stood there agains the wall, completely still like she had been petrified again.
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:47 am

Yes, Sirius Orion Black knew exactly what kind of effect he had on girls, and boys for that matter. And he was only proven right when McKinnon stopped talking. A wide smirk spread over the boy's face as he leaned even closer to the blond girl's face, forgetting about the Ravenclaw behind him for a moment as he scraped his teeth over the shell of the girl's ear.

"I can be a very good sharer, you won't regret it," he whispered in her ear, breath making its way down the side of her face, his voice lingering in her ear. "Or we can always just ditch the guy and have a party of our own," he added huskily. He liked McKinnon much better than the nameless Ravenclaw. He'd prefer getting into her knickers any day.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:40 am

Marlene shivered, she was not sure how to react.
It was so wrong, but at the same time so right.
She bit down on her lip, but couldn't find the will move, so instead she stared forward at the Ravenclaw boy behind Sirius.

Sirius' breath on her skin felt so... there wasn't any words to describe it, it made her shiver and the breath in her throat hitch, it made her want to leap forward and kiss him.

After a moment, the blonde finally found the strength to bring her arms up and she pushed Sirius away. "You come in here, trying to steal my closet, insult me by saying I'd never find anyone to snog and then you invite me to snog you?" she snorted, but didn't dare to look into those grey eyes. "You're unbelievable."
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:25 am

Sirius didn't pay attention to the Ravenclaw boy anymore, he had only eyes for McKinnon. That was why he didn't even notice when he slipped out of the closet, and even if he had noticed, he wouldn't have cared one single bit. Or well, maybe his ego would have suffered a bit, bit next to that, he'd be fine. He was way too caught up in working up the blond female in front of him.

"Unbelievably hot, you mean," he grinned, moving away from her ear so he could look into her eyes, standing so close their noses were touching. "I bet ya if I kissed you right now, you'd love it," he said huskily, placing both hands next to her head on the wall, effectively trapping her.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:39 am

Marlene was half relived when she saw the Ravenclaw leave, and as soon as the doors closed behind him, her eyes moved - without her approval - and found Sirius' grey ones and from that moment she was officially stuck.

"I-" she started, feeling smaller than she had ever felt before and so trapped. "I never said I wouldn't." she finally managed out, her fingers trembling. "But that doesn't mean I don't think you're a total git." she added, feeling slightly out of breath and so uncomfortable that he was so close, yet at the same time she couldn't force herself to even try to push him away again.
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:51 pm

"Oh but who says I'm not a git," Sirius whispered, leaning impossibly even closer, his eyes shining with pleasure of what he was doing. He loved the control he got when he seduced people. The feeling of utter dominance. He was the one who controlled the situation, and Sirius absolutely loved that. As Marlene made no intention to push him away, which did not come as a surprise to him, seeing as he was Sirius Black, and everyone wanted him. Why push him away?

Before the blond could even speak, Sirius trapped her against the wall with the rest of his body weight and crushed his lips down on hers, trapping her lower lip between his own gently. After so many kisses to practice, Sirius kissing skills were what you could call beyond average.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:30 pm

Marlene had planned on coming up with a great comeback or at least a clever sentence, but she didn't have time to do so because a) her brain wasn't working b) her words were stuck in her throat and c) Sirius Black was snogging her.

Marlene hadn't kissed a lot of people, not like Sirius had, anyway.
There was David, who she had snogged at a cousins birthday as a dare and her over-the-summer-before-fourth year boyfriend Thomas. But those two were it. So under normal circumstances the blonde would be terrified of lacking in the kissing department, but when kissing Sirius Black, your brain didn't have time to wonder those kind of things, your brain was stuck on enjoying the moment and kissing back.

So that was exactly what Marlene McKinnon was doing, eagerly. Her hands clung to Sirius' shirt, pulling him so close that air couldn't even be found between them.
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:24 pm

Sirius stroked his tongue over McKinnon's lip, only slightly, the movement little. He wondered if the blond girl had kissed many people, but Sirius decided he didn't care. She was definitely a better kisser than the blond Ravenclaw had been. He coaxed open her lips with his prying tongue and then slipped it inside, running it over the backside of her teeth in a slow motion.

He pushed one hand into the blond hair, and scraped his nails slightly over McKinnon's scalp as he pulled her closer, kissing her harsher now, yet slower and more careful than he had been doing with the Ravenclaw boy. Women preferred passion, men preferred roughness.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:42 pm

As soon as Sirius' tongue had forced its way into her mouth, Marlene's knees buckled.
As much as she hated to admit it so easily, Sirius Black was a God damn good kisser, much better than David or Thomas; whose names she didn't even want to remember anymore.

The blonde felt the fingers on her right hand tighten around his shirt, while the left hand roamed over to Sirius' back, she wasn't able to control anything anymore.

She kissed him back, just as eagerly as he kissed her. She let herself enjoy every moment slowly; her eyes staying glued shut and body pushed against Sirius' own, because she really wasn't even sure if she could possibly move anything else but her hands and mouth anymore.
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Sirius Black Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:41 am

Sirius wrapped one of his arms around McKinnon's waist, pulling her close against him, as he felt her knees buckle. He pressed them both into the wall, and smirked into the kiss as he felt hands tighten on his shirt and stroke over his back. The feeling was exquisite, and exactly why he was known as snogs-everything-that-moves.

Sirius kissed her until the lack of breath made him feel light-headed, and only then he pulled away. He opened his grey eyes and pierced them into hers. "Sure you don't want to share?" he said, making sure his voice sounded as steady as usual, not showing the slight pant the kissing had caused.
Sirius Black
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Poison (Blackie/McKinny) Empty Re: Poison (Blackie/McKinny)

Post  Marlene McKinnon Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:49 am

Marlene's whole body objected when Sirius started to pull away, her hands didn't let go and her body refused to part from his and she fought the urge to pout.

The blonde scowled at his question after she took few deep breaths in hope that her chest would stop heaving like she had just ran a marathon.
"I... don't.. share.." she managed up. "At least now with daft Ravenclaw, but now that its only you, a Gryffindor, I guess I can be persuaded." she answered, a smile tugging at her lips.

Marlene wasn't really patient, so instead of continuing their chit-chat her hands went up and wrapped around Sirius' neck, her fingers ran up and into his hair as she pulled him down and kissed him again forcefully.
But the kiss didn't last long because she suddenly remembered something which caused her to pull away again. "Oh! Sirius, I just remembered! I have something to ask you, a favor of sorts.." she said, resting her head against the wall and forced her eyes off the boy's lips and into his eyes.
Marlene McKinnon
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